Buenas tardes a todos,

Os queremos informar que el sábado 18 de Noviembre a las 11:00h, habrá un encuentro en GACMA con REIS STUDIOS – New York.

Tendremos el honor de tener en GACMA a JUVENAL REIS, fundador de REIS STUDIOS, con la intención de dialogar con los artistas presentes en esta edición de #UNDER35 (o en las pasadas) estudiar sus trabajos para explorar la posibilidad de participación en una exposición promocionada por GACMA y REIS STUDIOS en la ciudad de Nueva York.

Así que nos gustaría contar contigo esa mañana en este encuentro que seguro será de provecho para todos.


Os pongo algunos detalles:


About Juvenal Reis.

Juvenal Reis is a professional painter, sculptor, teacher, speaker, writer, curator, philanthropist,

collector and entrepreneur. Founder of Reis Studios, Inc.; an international community of established

and emerging artists in NYC, Long Island City since 2002, now expanding to Europe and other states in the

USA. He is a board member for the Queens Council on the Arts in Queens, NY as well as Ogden1st, a local NFP organization in Ogden, Utah and former board member at White Box in Manhattan, NY.



Reis Studios is a professional workspace for artists featuring over 180 private studios,

an art gallery space, an experimental gallery, a dirty room, and a small communal coffee area

a collection of art and culture books, and a full loading dock with large industrial elevators servicing all of our three floors.

Reis Studios is a friendly community of over 180 artists from 20 different nations,

working as painters, sculptors, photographers, graphic designers, fashion designers,

installation artists, video artists and creative people of other disciplines.

It was created in January 2002 to initiate a community of

contemporary artists in what is now New York City’s most exciting emerging arts district, Long Island City.


Gracias a todos y un saludo


Antonella Montinaro


Arte Contemporáneo GACMA, SL


Parque Empresarial Santa Bárbara

Fidias, 48. 29004 Málaga (Spain)


  1. antonella@gacma.com

T.|F. +34 952 245 855

  1. +34 654 026 313